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Kid's Explorers Program

Every Friday night throughout the school year we meet at a local gymnasium and enjoy an enthusiastic time of games and spiritual teaching for all kids grades K-6.  For more information, you can contact us at 608-325-2250.


We strive to get the Gospel into our community as much as we can.  That comes in the form of booths at the fair or our local Cheese Days as well as placing John/Romans on every doorstep in town.  We also participate in parades and hand out cocoa to parents as they wait for their kids to get out of school.  Our goal is to get the Gospel into as many hands as possible.


Bible Studies

Every month on the first Sunday night we hold separate Bible study classes for both the men and the women.  If you are a new believer, we also have a wonderful discipleship program which you can work through.  We believe that true change comes only through the Word of God.


We hold several activities for our teens throughout the year.  This includes anything from Bible conferences to skiing to camp or any number of other things that will help our teens to grow spiritually.  We also have a Sunday School class geared just for their age group.
